Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fat People Sympathy Do You Have Sympathy For Fat People Or Do You Think Its Their Own Fault For Being Fat?

Do you have sympathy for fat people or do you think its their own fault for being fat? - fat people sympathy

It depends, some people have thyroid problems, but for those who eat too much, whether or not your fault. As if a person lift smokin ... his guilt.


Newell said...

I am very thin. I can not eat, to compel. Do I get bonus points because I can not eat? Everyone is different.

Please note that many people say that some groups are poor and that their debt is. And some groups are much more prisons, and it is his fault. Let's judge her time.

This question is the idea, which operates around the world in their bodies exactly the same basis. That to me is absolutely breathtaking in its ignorance.

salsbury... said...

I fully understand that I do empathy. When I was in high school was 50 pounds more than I am now. Although it was years ago, was not so, then I have it. Looking from my point of view I feel so bad for them, because I immediately in your situation. And I know how easy it was for me to lose weight, has the power and the will. Now I am a HealthNut and frequent the gym 4x per week.

Everyone has his reasons, but when it comes it comes and I thought, this is really the will and positive.

lgdubya said...

There is nothing to justify my sympathy.

Most frequently a person is pregnant with her own. There is a small chance of a very small number of individuals on medical issues are the reasons why the person fat.

lgdubya said...

There is nothing to justify my sympathy.

Most frequently a person is pregnant with her own. There is a small chance of a very small number of individuals on medical issues are the reasons why the person fat.

I ♥ Cats! said...

Depending on the person.

Most overweight people are heavy because of their eating habits.

The others are in this way by brain chemistry, genetic predisposition, and a variety of other causes.

People HOUND overweight people to call them stupid, dirty, lazy, or really need to return to its facts.

Overeaters and addicted ❀ Share Addictive Brain Chemistry ...
By Devin Powell, Inside Science News Service Published: November 09, 2009 03:30 pm ET

❀ Nova Science Now - Theme: The Epigenome: ...
Streaming: ...

NOVA scienceNOW ❀ Topic: Obesity ...
Ask the experts: ...

Q: I was in a 700 - to 1,000 calories / day diet and working three to five times per week for one hour each time. My weight is down a few pounds and then come back. I'm 5'7 "and 180"Units. I'm doing this for about three months. I tested for thyroid and everything is back to normal. Would be willing to stay on the weight? I do not think I could do and I think there is a problem with my genes. I would be happy no comments. Thank you very much.
Anonymous, Rutherford, NJ
A: There are strong forces that resist the biological weight loss. For example, has shown that when people lose weight, not only hunger, but also burn fewer calories than a person who is slender. This is part of a complex biological response that he plans to return to the weight of a person at the starting point.

Question: You said in your interview 3 [ October transfer of NOVA scienceNOW] that reduced leptin, what your body needs to regain lost weight. There were, however, if you keep their weight at a lower level (for the year to calorie deficit) for a long time, not the body adapts to lower leptin and decide that it's natural bod 'new'and weight?
Vinay, Greenbelt, Maryland
A: Good question. The available evidence that the body's sensitivity back to weight loss by diet leptin. This is consistent with the fact that most people who lose considerable weight in relation to food, they constantly have the urge to eat, lost long after the fighting weight.

Q: Have you ever compared the levels of leptin, ghrelin levels? Is it difficult to understand what are the functions associated with the regulation of food control of ghrelin compared to leptin?

Moreover, the hardest part of weight loss and maintenance for me, is how it affects my sleep. More recently, studies linking ghrelin sleep cycles to explain the part of my struggle was. Have you at the level of leptin and sleep in particular?
Isolde, Salem, Oregon
A: On your first question will appear ghrelin levels increase before meals and it has been suggested that this hormone plays a role in stimulating hunger before a meal. Leptin is a long-term signals that controlMountain of fat a person carries. The two molecules have opposite effects on food intake and has also been shown to regulate opposing effects on the main activity of neurons in the brain, which the food intake.

As for your second question, the research investigated whether leptin plays a role in sleep and if, for example, is relevant for sleep apnea. But the answer is not known, at least for me.

Q: You said that every man is a wide range of points determined by the genes has. Just curious about the width of this range would be? Five pounds? Twenty pounds?
Anonymous, St. Anthony, Minnesota
A: There is an answer to this question, but my intuition tells me that is the range 15 to 20 pounds. This does not mean you can not move outside that range. Rather, it means that we spend a lot of that area, which resist the strength of the biological forces that are larger.

Kristi Kreme said...

I have no sympathy for the PPL are overweight themselves. even if you have a thyroid problem for a healthy diet and exercise will keep you in shape.

Kristi Kreme said...

I have no sympathy for the PPL are overweight themselves. even if you have a thyroid problem for a healthy diet and exercise will keep you in shape.

Dewey said...

Depends on whether the person as a physical disability and are unable to lose weight, then yes. But if it is 5000 pounds of baby lying on the shore of a frozen junction, no.

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